Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thank you.

Well, our first real tour is behind us. We are exhausted, sleep deprived, yet left with smiles on our faces and a feeling of success. We have a lot of thanks to give because much thanks is due. Firstly, thank you to Pocketknife for making this tour their first as well and cramming together with us in the van. Thank you to everyone that helped us put these shows together and got people to attend. Thanks to the bands we were able to play along side; we got to meet some really cool bands like WallflowerEaster Teeth, and Rotting Out. And the greatest thanks is to those who came out to these shows and gave support, whether you put a tape or just said thanks. We really appreciated and were honored to be well received at every show we played. We plan to be out on the road again this summer, so we hope to see you again and to see those we haven't been able to yet. We have some projects in the works, so keep tabs on us and we'll have some cool new things coming your way. Hope all is well.

(P.S. We have LOTS of shirts left over from the tour. If you're interested in getting one, email us at fugueisaband@gmail.com or get ahold of one of us personally)